The Network Information category of the Range API provides endpoints to gather aggregate data on blockchain networks, including transaction counts, network volumes, and high-volume cross-chain transfers.

Network Information API

The Network Information category of the Range API provides endpoints to gather aggregate data on blockchain networks, including transaction counts, network volumes, and high-volume cross-chain transfers. This data is crucial for monitoring blockchain activity, analyzing network health, and understanding the scale and scope of transactions across different networks.

Key Features

  • Transaction Counts: Retrieve transaction counts over time for specified networks, aggregated by custom intervals.
  • Network Volume: Monitor the transaction volume on various blockchain networks, aggregated into customizable intervals for better insight into network activity.
  • Cross-Chain Transfer Monitoring: Identify large cross-chain transfers (IBC and CCTP) happening within a specific time window. This is useful for tracking inter-chain movement of assets and ensuring that liquidity is properly managed.

Use Cases

  • Network Monitoring: Track and analyze the transaction activity and volume across multiple blockchain networks to monitor network performance and health.
  • Cross-Chain Activity: Identify and analyze high-volume cross-chain transfers, which are critical for understanding the flow of assets between blockchains.
  • Blockchain Analytics: Gather aggregate data on transaction counts and volumes for detailed network analysis and performance tracking.


All API endpoints in the Network Information category require an API key for access, passed in the X-API-KEY header.


The Network Information API offers high-level insights into blockchain network performance, including transactions and volume analysis. This makes it useful for blockchain explorers, analytics tools, and network health monitoring.

Endpoints Overview

For detailed instructions on how to use the Network Information API, including the parameters and response formats, refer to the endpoint descriptions for /v1/network/transactions/counts, /v1/network/volume, and /v1/network/relevant-cross-chain-transfers.