Fetch detailed information for a specific transaction by its unique hash. This endpoint is ideal for pinpointing and verifying cross-chain activity.
Key Features
- Retrieve granular details of a single transaction.
- Includes data like status, chains involved, asset type, and timestamps.
- Supports all bridges and networks seamlessly.
Use Cases
- Debugging or verifying specific transactions.
- Displaying transaction details in dApps or user interfaces.
- Auditing specific cross-chain operations.
Sample Endpoint
URL: GET /api/transactions/{hash}
Example Request:
GET https://api.range.org/transactions/0x1234abcd5678efgh
Example Response:
"hash": "0x1234abcd5678efgh",
"status": "completed",
"source_chain": "Ethereum",
"destination_chain": "Polygon",
"amount": "500",
"asset": "USDC",
"timestamp": "2025-01-28T10:45:00Z",
"from_address": "0xabc123",
"to_address": "0xdef456",
"protocol": "BridgeX"